
bring on the rain.

I've really come to enjoy blogging. I am excited everytime I sift through the latest blog posts. I love to see how my friends are doing, and all the fun pictures people post. It amazes me how the simplest things bring me joy. I love the comments people leave. I love running into people that I've never met, and having them say that they have seen my blog.
I have problems like everyone else, and this year has been a rough one. But I realized that through all of it I have become tougher, and the trials I face don't seem as tramatic when they come. I realized that Heavenly Father has given me these challenges to refine me, and really he does it because he loves me. That has taken me years to understand. He blesses us with trials. He see's the potential in us from an arial view. So bring on the rain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"pure gold never fears the refiners fire..."